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Supporting Victoria’s simulation community

The VSA Simulation Showcase has been postponed until 2021

We acknowledge all health care workers and simulation educators
as they support our community during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Simulation community
The VSA supports professionals working in all areas of simulation:
  • education
  • technical
  • simulated participants
  • research.
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New to simulation
The VSA supports those that are new to simulation methodologies:
  • introductory resources/links
  • education and training
  • connect with an expert.

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Catch up with what's happening in simulation and all the latest VSA initiatives in our news area.

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The Victorian Simulation Alliance (VSA) has supported the ongoing development and implementation of simulation education across the healthcare industry since 2010. 

Community of practice

We are committed to providing an active and supported 'community of practice' with a key strategic focus on People, Professional Practice, Profile and Sustainability.


The VSA is relevant to any professional involved in the development or delivery of education, professional development or training though the application of simulation methods.

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