The Victorian Simulation Alliance

The Victorian Simulation Alliance Inc. is an organisation supporting the development and implementation of simulation within professional education across the state of Victoria. The Alliance provides members with an active and supported community of practice.


Our vision

Empowering the simulation community

Our purpose

We provide support, resources, education and training to connect the simulation community of practice with a focus on people, professional practice, profile, sustainability.

Our goals

Four goals will drive the realisation of our vision:


Empower and support those working in simulation:

  • Increase memberships and benefits to members
  • Facilitate multidirectional communication and sharing
    within the membership
  • Recognise and support simulation sub-groups within
    our community
  • Support the awareness of quality simulation standards

Professional practice

Develop and enhance professional practice:

  • Identify the needs of members and the broader simulation
  • Build simulation capability through ongoing professional
  • Foster scholarship, research and innovation
  • Support the awareness of quality simulation standards


Grow sustainable revenue:

  • Establish sound financial systems and practices
  • Increase revenue streams
  • Leverage state and national strategic opportunities
  • Identify, manage and mitigate risk


Become a peak organisation for simulation in Victoria:

  • Promote the VSA through effective marketing strategies
  • Develop a valued presence in the simulation Community of Practice
  • Engage with government and other simulation groups and organisations


The VSA has been modelled on the California Simulation Alliance (CSA)which was established by HealthImpact (formerly CINHC, the California Institute for Nursing and Healthcare), now HealthImpact, in San Francisco Bay Area. The VSA would like to acknowledge and thank the HealthImpact for their continued support and collaboration.

We also acknowledge the support of the Department of Health and Human Services.

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© 2024 Victorian Simulation Alliance. All Rights Reserved.